The Weather Network

R&D Software Developer (iOS/Web)

The Weather Network is a leader in providing Canadians with accurate weather forecasts. As part of this, The Weather Network is always looking for ways to improve their product offering for their customers. One such product is their precipitation radar product. Traditionally, radar products made use of raster photos and animated them at intervals of 15-30 minutes. This resulting in choppy movement between frames, which is undesirable. The main project that I worked on focused on vectorizing the precipitation so that the radar images could be animated smoothly. In this role, I took over the iOS project for the vectorization of the radar and also worked on developing custom shaders with WebGL and THREE.js to allow the overlay of different types of precipitation. At the end of the term we presented the new radar to the CTO, COO and other Pelmorex staff. You can see the radar here!